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Blogging Slumps // Current Geeky & Non-Geeky Favourites #3

It’s only been a little over a week since I last wrote a blog post, but already, I feel as though I’ve fallen into a bit of a blogging slump. A couple of weeks ago, I was easily writing about three blog posts a week, but for a little over a week now, I’ve just not been feeling like blogging.

There are probably a couple of reasons for this: the weather’s been too nice for me to want to spend time at my computer, I’ve been working on my summer project and spending time with friends, so just haven’t set aside time for blogging, and I’ve also not been reading a lot, which means I haven’t had much to review.

As blogging slumps go, this one isn’t bad. It hasn’t lasted long, and since I’ve been watching a couple of new TV series lately, I should have plenty more to blog about soon. It’s also been quite nice to take a break, and there’s no reason to force myself to write: I think sometimes us bloggers can forget that we’re doing this for ourselves, and that’s it doesn’t need to be an obligation.

But now that I’m ready to get back to writing, my plan is for this post to kick my brain back into writing mode, and I’ll be back to blogging regularly in no time. In my experience, the best way to break a blogging slump is just to write something (anything), and just post it. So that’s what I’m doing.

I would be really interested to hear other peoples’ advice for escaping a blogging slump? What kind of things help you to get back into writing after taking a break?

What else have I been up to lately?

I’m Reading…

  • Cibola Burn (The Expanse #4) by James S. A. Corey – Even though I  haven’t taken as much time for reading as usual lately, I’m still loving this sci-fi series.

I’m Watching…

  • Orange Is the New Black Season 5 is now on Netflix, and I’ve been watching three episodes a night for the last couple of days.

I’m Playing… 

  • I’ve been separated from my PlayStation 4 for the last week, but now that we’re reunited, I have two new games I’m looking forward to trying out: Horizon Zero Dawn and Little Nightmares.

I’ve Been Buying…

  • While on a recent trip to London, I bought myself some new clothes for summer along with a couple of books that I’ve been waiting to get my hands on for a while.
  • I’ve also picked up two of the books on my YALC TBR in a Waterstones ‘Buy One Get One Half Price’ deal: Spellbook of the Lost and Found by Moira Fowley-Doyle and One of Us Is Lying by Karen M. McManus.

Books and Clothes.JPG

Favourite Fan-Art…

  • This is a different kind of fan-art to the art I usually post, but I think this cosplay of Joel from The Last of Us is amazing. It’s by Maul Cosplay, who you might recognise from his awesome Witcher cosplays, and the photography is by Andreas Krupa. Check out the rest of the photo shoot here.

Joel CosplayJoel Cosplay and horse

I’ve also been enjoying…

  • Pandemic (the board game) – I played this board game for the first time last weekend, and immediately afterwards decided to buy a copy for myself. I love that it’s co-operative, tense, and involves some tactical thinking
  • Yoga – Last week, I went to three different types of yoga class, thanks to a couple of friends inviting me to join them, and I’m glad I did. Going to exercise classes with friends is underrated, and yoga can be very relaxing (but also challenging).

Let me know what books, TV series, video games, music etc. you’ve been enjoying lately!

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